Using the Rules of Texture: Wearing the Right Fabrics


The tactile nature of your skin and hair make up the overall texture of your appearance. If your skin is clear of natural markings, and your hair sleek, you have a satin and shiny texture. On the other hand, if your skin is freckled, and your hair is naturally wavy, you have a suede and matte texture. But as we age or as we style ourselves, changes in our texture are bound to happen. When you match up the texture of your fabrics to your own texture, you are flattering your natural appearance.


If you have a suede and matte texture, wear fabrics with surface interest like a jacquard. When compared to a smooth fabric, the jacquard harmonizes with your natural texture so that any wrinkles or freckles on your skin aren’t as prominent. On the other hand, if you regularly flat-iron your hair, your texture becomes more balanced. You could wear a textured fabric to better effect by choosing a solid coloured garment rather than a print.


If you have satin and shiny texture to your skin, wear some fabrics with sheen to balance. Sheen attracts light which can draw attention so you would want to be aware that the style is flattering for you. On the other hand, if you can’t resist those shiny fabrics but you have a suede and matte texture, go for one with a print. The print would detract from the reflective qualities of the fabric and match your skin’s patterning, even if the fabric was smooth to the touch.

Play with textures to see where you fit at this time of your life, and notice how the different fabrics make you look. By knowing how fabrics affect your texture, you’ll be able dress for a better effect.

Find out more about the rules of texture and How to Wardrobe at



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