Plum's Colour Series: Part 2





We think that the world is shifting; we've noticed a new spin on beauty and are loving the direction the conversation is taking in social media and other arenas. The idea that the new beauty is about being healthy, natural, fully self-expressed and joyful is one we embrace here at Plum. We love the idea that every woman is uniquely fabulous and we're learning new ways to help our customers 'dress with purpose.'

Colour is just one of the ways we're helping our customers find a look that suits who they are. In our last post on colour, we laid out five ways that it is still hugely relevant in dressing. One of the reasons for this is that it's tough to argue with science. Biologically, when we're looking at colour, we're responding to input from light reflecting off a fabric, onto the skin of the wearer and noticing what kind of impression that leaves. When a colour works well for someone, we might notice that they look healthier, well-rested, and glowing, no additional makeup, buffing, or tanning required!


How does that work? It means working with your natural colouring and choosing to wear colours that match you. For example, if your skin has a rosy glow, you might look better in cool, soft colours. If your colouring is intense, you probably look great in really bright colours. What does this type of matching do for you? It creates a sense of harmony in your impression, meaning that people will feel comfortable with you right away, even if they don't know why. In all our relationships, this can be very beneficial, from securing that great new job or plum assignment to getting that second date!

If a colour isn't working well, we might notice that a person looks tired or worn out. All of the great things you do for the health of your body such as exercising, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep can be undone in seconds by choosing to wear a colour that doesn't suit you. Even though we might stick to the old habit of wearing the colours that worked for us in years past, and were bombarded with the narrow idea of what beauty meant, this new direction of a healthy, natural look means that we have more liberty than ever to wear what works for us. Not only that, but once we understand the dimensions of colour and can see how wearing the right colours for us helps us look great, we can use that knowledge to shop more efficiently and with purpose.




Did you miss part 1 in our colour series? Click here to catch up!


lindsay's picture