No Guru Posts Tagged with Casual Friday

Casual Friday has become Stupid!

February 22, 2011

Plum passed a preview of our survey results to some friends. Apparently, the results struck a nerve... we've decided to post Fash' email, with permission, of course. The comments by Fash Trash are her own and not representative of No Guru or Plum. Casual Friday has become Stupid! This surv...

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Surprising Early Survey Results about Casual Friday!

February 22, 2011

First off, we at Plum were overwhelmed by the response to our Casual Friday survey.  Over 2,500 customers responded so far, therefore we can confidently state some preliminary results. Not surprisingly, 92% of you say that people are dressing more casual today then ever before. We received hun...

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Casual Fridays - Love it or Hate it?

February 9, 2011

Is it possible that Casual Friday has passed its expiry date? Has the original intention become irrelevant? We at Plum want to stay absolutely up to date with how our customers are dressing so we are asking the question. Do you love it or do you hate it? Is it necessary? Please fill out our&nb...

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