Organize Your Closet


Closet cleaning can be good for your health!

The first step is to create three piles: "yes," "no" and "maybe." 
Use three simple questions to thin the herd: 
  1. Do I love this? 
  2. Is it flattering? 
  3. Is this the image that I want to portray? 
Other questions might also be:
  • Have I worn this in the last 12 months?
  • Does it fit me any more?
Remember that we change – even some things that still fit might not be you any more and at the risk of giving some cheap psychology, do not try to dress like who you “want” to be – dress for who you are now. It might take a shopping trip and a little help to get there 
Back to your closet!
If any answer is "no," then it goes in the "no" pile and obviously you want to keep the “yes” pile!
If the “no” pile contains really good clothes that are not ‘you’ any more but could help someone else who is looking for work and does not have an interview outfit, then contact Dress For Success Vancouver.
For the "maybe" pile, consider creating an archive. This option is for old clothes that you likely will never wear, but which have sentimental value. These items get stored someplace other than your closet. (It is more fun to open the box years later than to look at it every day in your closet.)
Organize the closet into your very own boutique where you can shop your own clothes. Then organize all items into sections by color. 
Display pairs of shoes by facing one forward and one backward. This way you can see both the toe and the heal height of the shoes.
Jewellery is a special case but here is a link to what our buyer recommended in a previous post.
Have you turned over your closet this year? Admin's picture